Table of Contents
The Short Term
Into the Future
The Endings of Notable Individuals
The Short Term
The War
The Aftermath
Into the Future
The Future
The Endings of Notable Individuals
Cavil Earthborne - Arttu A
Anja Sedlak - Vicky
Aoishe - Roisin O'H
Atticus - Stuart J
Bergholt Stuttley - David Holley
Bezeth - Frances H
Captain Burton Twolegs - Ted Salwell
Navigator Chtoth - Mark B
Comrade Ivan - Owen S
Djared Crusius - Rich J
El Presidente - Thibault J
Ella May Dixie - Ursula S
Evelyn Minver - Ellie W
Harkon Stormwarden - Dom S
Hawthorne - Mark J
Jill Sparks - Laura C
The King of Winter
General Kopeck Deepcut - Ivan F
Koschei Kai Morlock - Tom K.
Laan - Chris V
Madam Imogene - Christi S
Marshall Craddock - James W
Oleg Slavo - Fed K
Orellius Guar - Oliver S.
Roderick Alonso - Alan M
Sarenn - John R
Sarin the Seeker - Jonathan H.
(Deceased) Sarr - Chris V
Segue Tyr - Paul F
Serianiamai - James G
Takhai - Jonathan R
Tomas Stanislavski - Gareth J-J
Unity - Ann N
Valk Tiller - Joe W
William Blacknails - Trevor