The expanded adventuring party make there way out into the vast expanses of the Broken World in the direction that Caul indicated. After traveling for a couple of week, they see a fragment bursting with life. Thick jungle covers the surface. Eventually the ferryman pilot sees a clearing and brings the travel fragment down in it. The part begin to follow a trail through the jungle, as they push deeper, they find themselves surrounded my many different types of unusual plant life. Roses the size of trees, and apple tress n more than a foot high with sweet little apples. While Hawthorne is examining what appears to be a tulip, it sudenly shoots up and bites his nose. He tells them these are like no plants he has ever seen. It is like they are hybrids of plants, combining different properties. He advises them to be more careful as there could be something nasty pretensing to be something nice. As they progress deeper, they find the path going down and down, walls begin to develop either side of them, and the plant life begins to recede, the vally opens out into a crater, just at the point the vally begins to open, Anja throws her arm out. Her keen senses had spotted something none of the other had, wires thinner than hair criss cross the opening. Catequil draws a sword, and tries to cut them down, to no avail, they just blunt the blade. Anyone who would walk into them would be cut to pieces. Valk lays his hand on the ground, and calls up a spring. starting off as a trickle, it begins to produce more and more water, until a deep channel has been cut beneath the wires. Valk stops the font, and the party carefully wriggle under the wires. Looking around the crater for the next step, Catequil comes across an interesting find. Lodged beneath a rock is a strange helm. It is strange that it is here, as it seems to be seeped with passion, like it belonged to a great leader, a hero one might say. While this is happening Segue has found something interesting, it appears to be a kind of trapdoor set into th floor, with an array of slots in it. There is also a number of blocks which seem just the right size to fit into the slots. Sarr come over and places is hands on the door then on the blocks. After a few seconds he tells them what they need to do. Just beneath the door is a resivour of life energy. These blocks have channels which the energy can flow down embeded in the rock. They need to put the blocks in the slots, creating a closed circuit, so that the energy can flow round, opening the locking systems of the door. He picks up each block in turn, and scratches the shape of the channels on the top. Now how do we put them in, so that theres no way for the energy to leak out.
Valk scratches his chin and swats irritably at flies as Quill and Sarr discuss their ideas. Eventually he walks over to Adamas, opens up his chest and after scrabbling around inside for a while returns with a chilled bottle of Al's Finest which he cracks open and chugs from before offering it to Anja.
“Sooo, Quill ya mean somthin' like this right?”
Valk stamps his foot and the blocks jump in the air and rearrange themselves into a new configuration.
“Oh, excellent , yes Valk, that was what I had in mind.”
Mechanisms clunk into place, and the trapdoor crumbles to dust. The party climb down, and find themselves in a dimly lit room. As thier eyes ajust, the party see what appears to be 3 blocks of stone about the size of a man, and in front of it a board. Set into the top of the board are 6 orbs. 2 Red, 2 Green and 2 Brown. Below on the board is another set of slots arranged in a tournement. Anja decifers the instuctions “In this room are imprisoned 3 spirits. The spirit of Mammals, the Spirit of Evergreens and the Spirit of Glass. Representing each of the 3 schools of magic. The table in front of you is set up as a tournement. You must place the six orbs in the first round to start the tournement. The rules are: Wood and Leaf beats Sand and Stone. Sand and Stone beats Blood and Bone Blood and bone beats wood and leaf. The orb that wins, releases the spirit it represents. Two orbs of the same or cannot fight each other, otherwise none are released. (The shape of the tournement is on the attachment) Which orbs do you put in the holes 1-6.
Valk walks forward to the three large stone blocks and lays his hand on each in turn, finally stopping at the last and sighing.
“Sorry Glass. Guess you're gonna have to wait in there a while longer.”
He turns to Sarr and gestures at the tournament table.
“Do what you gotta do. C'mon Segue, let's see if we can't find some loot around here.”
“That's more like it!” says Segue
“Sorry, valk. Maybe once we're done we can find a way to come back here again and release Glass…
“And just to check so I don't embarrass myself by releasing the spirit of evergreens my thinking is putting in 1 Wood 2 Stone 3 Blood 4 Stone 5 Blood 6 Wood
“That should mean Blood will get through to the final round by beating wood on the right. And on the other side wood beats stone to get through to the semi final and stone beats blood to get there. Then wood beats stone to get to the final with blood where blood will win?
“I'm not missing anything am I?
“And I'm assuming that red is blood or mammals, green is wood or evergreen and brown is stone or Glass…” Says Sarr
As he works with Segue, scouring the chamber for secret compartments, Valk nods at Sarr and speaks in a non-committal tone.
“Sounds like it ought to work to me.”
Anja leans back against a wall taking a swig from the bottle Valk passed her earlier, before proffering it to the rest of the adventurers, then watches Valk and Segue rather bemusedly as they scramble about looking for hidden treasure.
As segue and Valk search the room, they come across a stone chest. They crack it open to find a number of thin bands inside. There are 2 green ones, 2 red ones and 2 brown ones. As the pair pick up the bands they notice a few things. As they touch the red ones, the grazes and cuts they sustained when getting down into this room heal up. When they touch the green ones, they hear voices enter thier heads. “Temple, people in the temple, he won't be happy.” The brown ones are interesting, as around them are a number of odd things. There are what appears to be little lumps of iron, nuggets of gold, and a whole host of small green gems (those of you who take one will notice thy have turned blue when you get home.) It is at this point Sarr finishes placing the orbs. The defeated ones begin to explode, and the winners progress forward, until a single red one remains. Suddenly one of the blocks explode, and there stands a man. “Woooooooooooohhhhhhhh, a thousand years in a block of granite will give you such a crick in the neck. Well what have we here? What's you name? Sorry no time for that master we need to get out of here before…” It is at this point an arm comes crashing through the wall, it appears to be made of bones. “Well too late now. RUN!” As the adventurers hot foot it back to the fragment, if they look behind them they will see a creature the size of a large hill pursuing them. It seems to be made of all manner of bones, held together by spirit magic.