The Demon of the Storms

The Black Lightning, The Stormbringer, the prophesied harbinger of doom… whatever you may know him as where you come from, the black-clad demon of storms has again been at it, striking at clans the world across in what seems to be an ever-random fashion. Can this man be stopped, or are we all fated to destruction at his hands? Only time will tell.


Information has not fully began to move between the colonies, so news know throughout the colonies is still limited.

There are rumours of a fragment with the ruins of a city on it, that is somewhere near the clusters of the colonies.

THE MISTS are going to BOIL again.

The Confederacy is on the edge of Bankruptcy.

The world will end in fiery Death.

The Kitties are going to take over the world.

The Fallen have been attacked by assailants unknown.

The Keeper of the temple is Omnipotent.

The Union is going to collapse under all its corruption.

The Fallen are going to enter Civil Revolt.

The Black Lightning's movements can be predicted by asking the storms.

There is more than one Black Lightning.

The Black Lightning has been particularly targeting the City lately.

The Black Lightning doesn't exist.

The Black Lightning is a silly name, the Union should have come up with a better one.

game2/news/turn_1.txt · Last modified: 2008/11/06 16:46 by gm_tony