Fallen News Turn 4

The State of the Fallen

Most Healthy: Psychomancer's Forge

Most Wealthy: Clan Apscray

Most Happy: Cabal of Circumspection

Union Troops in Containment Mission

Union troops were permitted access to fallen territory to combat a dangerous Coporeal Spirit known as Netrici. The creature had recently begun terroizing outlying settlement when the Union stepped in to deal with the problem.

General Kopeck's men took a real beating, but have the beast 'contained' on a single outlying fragment. Whether they will be back to finish the job, or whether its up to Fallen troops, has yet to be seen.

The Thud of Boots, the Thump of Drums, the Nodding of Heads in Hideous Unison

A recruitment drive by Psychomancers forge has led to forming of a new breed of soldier. The 'Noise Marines' as they have been dubbed are a very heavy armor squad, named for the beat producing drum machines built into their shoulder guards. 'The rythm' it is claimed 'allows the wearer to focus away from the chatter of mundane thought, instead tapping into a hive mind and higher consciousness built on the unison of their beat.

The Arrest of Colonel Specter

A Resounding victory for the Fallen Militia with the capture of the nefarious Colonel Spector, finally putting an end to his traitorous ways! This arrest marks the first real maneuvre by this new military outfit. For it to be so successful is a grand omen of things to come.

The end of the mage: Armor against the unenlightened

Psychomancer's forge have announced completion of a new kind of armor, capable of protecting against the worst a rampaging mist born can conjure. This as yet unchristened suit os a masterpiece, and on sale to the highest bidder.

With the unprecedented announcement of this completion, rumors are already circulating about what will be next out of the forge. Likely the group are working on a similar armor to combat the powers of the storm.

Letters to the Editor

The Unsullied seem bent on taking as much power for themselves as they can. They see themselves fit to employ the Militia for their own ends, hunting their enemies, no doubt deceiving the men and women who serve in it in the process. Whatever became of the quest for posthumanity that we were once so dedicated to? Have we surrendered it to the Unsullied, along with our freedoms, where those who leave the Fallen are now hunted by the Militia beyond its jurisdiction?

The Unsullied are meant to be the Fallen's servants, not their tyrants.

-The Green Company

Union Troops

Union Troops have been seen in Fallen territory, specifically troops from Department S and the Storm Academy have been hunting a Spirit in the Fallen Outlands.


  • The Citranos have been developing some form of high-powered inter colony fruit launcher.
  • Vermin population is increasing. We need more cat people.
fallen/fallen_turn5.txt · Last modified: 2008/12/02 15:19 by gm_tony