The State of the Fallen

Most Healthy: Psychomancer's Forge

Most Wealthy: The Mist Garden and Clan Apscray

Most Happy: the Cabal of Circumspection

The Play

The circus put on a new show this season in the fallen lands, with acrobatic displays, amazing effects, and fantastic performances by “Mechanical Men”. Critics are highly enthusiastic, but those sitting in the front rows find themselves begging to differ.

Fallen Millitia

With the increasing militarisation of the other colonies, the unsullied have decided that the Fallen need to be defended from outside threats. Catequil has been training the troops in the art of war.

Psychomancer's Forge

The best armoursmiths in the brokenworld is in Psychomancer's Forge, with unparrelled quality the armour they produce will protect against any weapon, porotecting its user from that lethal blow. It has also been suggested they will do custum jobs for the right price, it has also been suggested they are capable of from more exotic effects such as magic effects.

Letters to the Editor

“How the mighty have fallen. Rumors are flying that Colonel Specter the notorious xenophobe was recently discovered in the compromising company of two ladies of ill repute, hailing from the Union. Considering the Colonel’s previously expressed views on the Union it seems the old man’s reputation now lies in tatters. What with his supposed hatred of the unaugmented; we are forced to wonder which parts of the two young ladies he objected to the most and why he thought it best to study these imperfections in the nude.”

Beastman Commentator

The Untimely Death of Colonel Specter

Reports are coming in of Colonel Specter's untimely death. The Lab in which he perfected many techniques that brought Posthumanity ever closer appears to have been hit by an unusually powerful lightning strike. Given the Colonel's views on non-Fallen, the possibility of an attack by one of the other factions cannot be discounted at this time.

Geomantic Spire

A grand spire has been constucted by Takhai of the Sentinels of Transcension, this spire seems to be a strong geomantic centre, capable of storing geomantic enery, while currently empty, it will probably be able to store energy in the form of swirling rocks and boulders.

fallen/fallen_turn4.txt · Last modified: 2008/12/02 15:19 by gm_tony