Confederacy News Turn 6

Bear Sheep

There have been sightings of so called bear sheep, these fearsome creature attack anything that comes close to them. The size of these things is truly incredible. The sightings seem to be around the glorious peoples Republic.

The Burning Banner Gang

A number of Copper and Bone warriors were seen moving through confederate space recently, converging on the raider group known as the black banner gang. This daring assault was led by the hithero enexpected strategists Segue Tyr and Roderick Alonzo.

Reports of the fighting are slim, but the end score found all the citizens either missing or dead, but the raider camp burnt to the ground. This ill planned assault have bought the confederacy many months of peace from the gang at great cost. Despite their disrespectful ways they should be acknowledged for thier sacrifice.

More Pirates

Pirates have been sighted in the Confederacy Lands, they have been raiding food shipments coming from the Glorious Peoples Republic, it has been suggested they will become more daring if a stop is not put to their activities.

Repairing the Sky Fortress

The work of cowards has been satisfactorily repaired in excellent time. The ground of the Skyfortress, recently victim to saboteurs, was still smoking when the combined efforts of Matthias Dixie, Alric Earthborne and Bergholt stepped in to demonstrate a cocktail of unique power unthinkable in the bland gruel of the Humanity

Under Matthias' hands, the sick were tended, Bergholt set about repairing the Stormgun that was pretty much destroyed in the attack, while Alric coordinated the building work to repair the structural damage.

Bound by Beat

People are talking about the newfound purpose of the Dixie Clan

'Somthin' odd went down on the Dixie fragment last night.'
'How'd you mean?'
'Well, there was all this loud, strange 'Jazz' music, and partying, and fighting and all that.'
'Yeah…and…? Ain't that normal for those guys?'
'Yeah. Right. But then it all stopped. My cousin's friend's partner swears that they were all gathered in frount of their temple, meek as schoolgirls, whilst a guy in a flaming hat yelled at them…'
'Yeah, but ain't your cousin's friend's partner prone to drinkin'?'
'Yeah. It' was probably just their clan leader giving them an inspirational speech in front of a torch or somthin'…


  • King Lemur has a sister, and she's HOT.
  • There are new Sky Bastions being built to defend confederacy borders.
  • The Crystal Collective are Joining the Confederacy.
  • The GPR are replacing the Earthborne as a Clan Sponsor.
  • Have you seen this Bassist [picture of guy in trilby]? Called Dirk. If Found, return to Dixie.
confederacy/confederacy_turn6.txt · Last modified: 2009/02/09 12:38 by gm_tony