More piracy has occurred in Confederacy territory this turn, with the theft of a large shipment of second hand boots. The daring raid was executed flawlessly, mainly because the two scrap merchants were so stunned that anyone would want their treasure.
The circus burst into life once more when a large mechanical spider ripped its way from one of the tents and tore towards the edge of the fragment.
Before GPR troops could be scrambled, the spider had dropped off the side of the fragment onto one floating far below, leaving an oily black trail behind.
People all across the Confederacy were able to see it spin a giant web, forming a vertical sticky disc between no less than twelve occupied fragments. Quickly detritus began to collect in the web, then used by the spider to reinforce the web.
The giant web so far seems geomantically stable, and orbits the stack like any other. The purpose of the construction is as hidden as its beauty is clear.
Apparently as an exercise in protecting their shipments from Pirates, El Presidente has been leading his troops through a wide variety of strategic manouvers. Observers were very impressed with the Red Army's training, discipline and fashion, although fighting with sword, shield and spear seems rather quaint in these days of firearms and storm cannons.
“Comrades, when the time comes to fight for our rights, there will not be a hand empty of plough or pick or pike or pistol. When the time comes to rise up against those who harry us, we will be ready. We will obliterate our foes with the passion in our hearts and the strength in our arms…
“But Now Is Not That Time! The will of the people must not be warped through deceit. The people's strength must must not be directed by anything other than the People's Will!” - El Presidente addressing the GPR
“Man, these past months I've seen births and deaths and things that were kinda a mixture of the two, but the birth of a civil war was one I didn't expect, specially when it ain't all that civil.
“War can be a beautiful thing, but only when its breaking something that needs to be broked. We've got a sweet deal here in the Confederacy, and someone is jealous of our toys. We've got no cause to fight, but someones tryin' to make us. What do you say to that eh?
“And now mah boys here would like to play you a little number we call 'you ain't gotta serve nobody that doesn't tell you they're worth servin.” - Ella May addressing the Confederacy as a whole.
“It was definitely pirates wot done it. It was definitely meant to get GPRs… heh… G P Arrs… anyway it was meant to get people fighting the GPR. It was definitely paid for by someone else. Theres no money in it otherwise. Give me more time and I'll give you some names” - Madame Imogene
A number of new weapons systems are being tested, it appears alric Earthborne, along with other geomancers Takhai and Ctoth, as well as Comrade Ivan, have been developing smaller craft for defence of the CSF Humanity. These force seem capable of intercepting smaller faster aircraft, which the weapons of the CSF will not have time to track and destroy, should anyone attemp to assult it.