City Mist Well - 2BP

A project to increase the quantity of mist inside the strange rooms deep in the City.

This project will create a well down through the city up which mist could travel. It doesn't, however, provide a means of drawing the mist up. Moving the mist like that without a mistborn is an unsolved problem.

It is known that the technician Jill Sparks was working on something to solve this problem a while back.


  • Level 3 Civil Studies
  • A means of drawing up the mist.


  • Geomantic Insight for the digging of the well.

Build Points (2/2) - Needs Component

  1. Roderick - Start Project - Turn 9
  2. Chtoth - TOTB Geomancy. - Turn 9
build/game2/bp9_mistwell.txt · Last modified: 2009/02/03 01:34 by gm_tony