(C) Ultimate Power - 4BP

1. He is going to make a plan/blueprint for aligning all of the Sky Bastions with CSF Humanity, to make the entire geomantic grid highly charged with Geomantic Energy.

2. He is going to arrange the Geomantic earthworks and designs in the main castle of the CSF Humanity so that Geomantic energy will be concentrated in the pilot's room, which he will expand into a living quarters. This will mean that the pilots chamber will be super-charged in relation to the rest of the fortress.

3. As phase 2 is approaching completion, Alric will move all of the Sky Bastions into alignment with the Sky Fortress (but not before this). This precaution ought to ensure that there is enough geomantic force in the system to keep the “super-charged” chambers from depleting the general life-force of the Sky Fortress. Thus, the rest of CSH Humanity would still be at a normal or normalish level of geomantic power.

4. Become immortal.

The project will make those who spend time in the pilot room of the CSF Humanity very healthy, immune to most sicknesses, and the effects of old age. It doesn't however protect against a sword and similar mortal wounds.


  • Geomancy 3
  • Sy Bastians


  • Civil Studies 2
  • Natural Studies 2

Build Points (4/4)

  1. Alric Earthborne - Start Project - Turn 7
  2. Alric Earthborne - Continue Project - Turn 8
  3. Alric Earthborne - TOTB Civil Studies - Turn 8
  4. Alric Earthborne - Continue Project - Turn 9
build/game2/bp7_ultimate_power.txt · Last modified: 2009/02/01 15:46 by gm_rob