(C) Storm Comms - 3BP


A means of encoding messages into pulses of storm energy. The finished devices will produce extremely short bursts of storm energy whose timing and length could be modulated to encode information, and could also read in such energy transmitted over long distances via the storms.


  • Level 2 Tech Studies (met)
  • Understanding of the storms (met)
  • Minor level imbue for a small set of devices (met)


  • Information on the protocol used by Message Houses within the Union

Build Points (3/3)

  1. Bergholt - Start Project - Turn 7
  2. Bergholt - Continue Project - Turn 8
  3. Bergholt - Continue Project - Turn 11
build/game2/bp7_stormcomms.txt · Last modified: 2009/02/16 18:57 by gm_chaos