(C) Upper to Lower Surface Gangways - 3BP

A series of passages and stairs around the outside of the fragment, using Chtoth's knowledge of hanging structures and my own knowledge of standing ones, that will connect the lower surface with the upper surface and the inner city. Designed to tastefully avoid detracting from the murals around the city edge.

This project will provide wealth and strategic support for the Crystal Collective.


  • Civil Studies 3
  • Support from the Crystal Collective


Build Points (4/3) Super Complete!

  1. Roderick - Start Project - Turn 6
  2. Roderick - Continue Project - Turn 7
  3. Roderick - What Could Possibley Go Wrong - Turn 7
  4. Roderick - What Could Possibley Go Wrong - Turn 7
build/game2/bp6_gangways.txt · Last modified: 2008/12/20 20:23 by gm_tony