When fragments meet, they can remain together for days. Usually enough time to explore, scavenge, or invade. Clans will be able to see new fragments coming from miles away, and thus have plenty of time to prepare for the meeting. The most successful clans have ways to explore before the clans meet though some form of magic or technology. The more you can find out about a fragment before those hectic few days, the richer the rewards.
The most important thing to know about life in the Broken World is that you can't settle. A fragment can only support a clan for so long before supplies run out or something goes wrong. The most difficult decision a leader will make happens when a suitable new home is met. He must quickly decide the merits of this home, and whether the clan should move on, or stay put. A fortunate culture can expect to move homes once every other generation.
Some groups have found that the best way to survive is to leap across fragments when they come together, strip them bare of resources, and move on when a new one comes along. Sometimes, this involves killing all the original residents on the fragments.
Its a hard life in the Broken World, and the insular fragment communities need to keep their spirits up. The celebrations and feasting when two fragments meet is vital for the health of both communities. Bards and entertainers have a tough, yet respected job.
The meeting of two inhabited fragments is a celebrated event, and every possible opportunity to trade is made. While the clans feast, their leaders withdraw to discuss the details of trade. Most cultures have a surplus of something, and variety is good for morale. Some fragments rely on trade encounters, spending their days producing trinkets and tools beyond what they need. Marriage is an important part of these negotiations.