The News has mainly been circulated throughout the Guildhalls across the fragments, but members of Clan Rjanslaf and the Meade Trading Convocation have been circulating written copies of the news amongst the other clans as everyone is waiting for the temple doors to open.
The guildhalls are abuzz with suppositions as to what that Laveer fellow has been up to recently. It seems the buggere is claiming to have uncovered not one, not two, but three ancient temples of forgotten lore!
“I mean, can you believe it? The man would have us believe he can't walk without tripping over the things. Its got to be a con.”
“I dunno Ross, three temples? If I were makin' it up, I'd think claiming jus' the one is pushing it. You'd have to be a nutjob to lie that big.”
“Your point?”
“Well, yeah, but din't them Varujas attest to one of em?”
“The Varuja? Aren't they the miners who've been digging holes on a woodstone without bringing anything home? Gotta be nutjobs too!”
“But weren't that Cyrus Fella with him for the other? He's an honest bloke so its gotta be real.”
“Well… alright, but what about the third one see? No one knows about that one right? I bet he heard about these other two temples, and made up the third one just so he can look important!”
“Maybe. Maybe. But I've yet to meet a man who hasn't enjoyed the tellin' of it. True or no, I'd barter a beer to beget the tale.”
At this point, the bartender harumphs, and points to a sign above the door stating 'No Alliteration'
The queue for beer at some of the guildhalls is long and irritated, mainly due to the constant haggling for a means of paying for your pint
Many drunken clansmen are waxing economical over a more efficiant means of trading. Some form of agreed medium perhaps. But what to use? Many common trade goods are bandied about, but all have obvious flaws. Among the most popular choices are:
Snippets of conversation heard in taverns across the archipelago.
”…They're everywhere I tell you, I saw them flying over the Legion's fort…”
”…something in our mines, luring the birds. That must be it, why else would they be congregating over our holdings?”
“Haha! I saw one of the monks of Dolos getting pelted by birds, it was hilarious…”
“The birds demand worship, they are angry that we've lost our way. We should be worshipping them and hey… what are you doing with that barstool?” THUD
“Filthy creatures, they've been destroying our crops, pecking at our corn, maybe putting some out for them would stop them ravaging our harvest…”
People are commenting on the deep crimson clouds gathering above the Sedlak, Rjanslaf and Milliner fragments. Everyone and their mother is predicting a firestorm any time now. The Sedlak seem well prepared, having constructed a fortified bunker of some sort in preparation, but what of their neighbours, particularly the poor children supposedly living in the swamps?
A report, written by clan 'Francis of Clan Jeebe', is posted in every guildhall.
The worde of Arbiter Augustinn Volova will soone be Law!
In past seasons the clan Conoscenza - known for their delicious cakes, and clan RodeshMise - known for their talented miners, have turned to the 'Arbiter' for aide. He is to deside whether one clan was the cause for the sinking of the other's home stone many years ago! Many lives were put in danger claims one, but the other claims it was the stones' time to desend and their mines had nothing to do with it!
Worde was that the clans were ready to warre on the matter, but Augusting stepped in, with Soverin Justiniun at his side! The Knights of the Tirrani are renoun across the Archipeligo for their fair and juste rule. Now both clans wate peacefully for his verdict.
Augusting will deliver his judgement at the next temple gatherin. Many are gambling on thee outcome.
Accounts of the incident vary. According to some, it was an army, according to others it was a beast, twelve feet tall with teeth of steel and breathing fire. According to others still, it was a single man, dressed in black robes, wielding a wickedly sharp knife. Nobody knows for sure what caused it.
What they are sure of however, is that whatever it was left a score of men dead and a half-dozen buildings burnt to the ground.
Stolen! By a little girl no less. The beautiful snake Rubicant, only recently outfitted with wings, masterworks of craftsmanship. When it came time to ride it, she cuts its tether, allowing it to escape skywards bearing her on its back.
It was last seen headed towards the swamped infested with Lost Alice's bunch.
Spoken prior to the start of the Meeting, approved by the elders of the temple.
Several Friars, wearing the functional robes of the Order of Dolos, arrive. They carefully avoid stepping on the lawn and take up vigil around the door to the temple. After several hours of standing there, silent, with heads bowed, a monk, denoted by his slightly more adorned, but still completely functional robes, walks forwards carrying an ornate scroll. For some reason, it seems to have been hastily bound by mismatched ribbons.
He unfurls it, makes a complex hand-gesture, and begins to read. Momentary flashes of irritation cross his face as he reads certain segments; as though somone has edited it slightly.
“I shall now complete The Ceremony of Opening, as set forth by Panos, the Fourth Prophet of Dolos, and begun by His representative, Ariston Paramone:
Let this temple, which is located in the world created by him, be open to all.
Let the tenets similar to those set out in the First Scroll of Dolos rule here, which I must point out at this point is only becuase they're pretty good to live by: Let no being be barred from this place on account of their Race, Sex, Clan, Class, Beliefs, Actions, or Form. Let this temple further you in His works, whatever they may be. Let all be ruled by acceptance, equality, and beneficence. Let His will be done.
Furthermore: Let this temple be dedicated to all things. Let it be a temple to the storm, and the mist, and the fragments, and all things: Let it be a temple to Life, and Happiness, and Movement, and Birth, and Renovation, and all beginnings: Let it be a temple to Death, and Calm, and Sorrow, and Stillness, and Peace, and all ends: Let it be a temple to Justice, and Temperance, and Law, and Chaos, and Gods, and all causes. Let His will be done.
So Speaketh Panos; Fifth Voice of Dolos, and so so Speaketh Dolos. Let it be done.”
After this, the friars raise their heads, make another complex hand gesture, and mutter “Let it be done.”
They then offer a cup of tea to any interested spectators, enjoy a cup themselves. Some of the cups have ribbons tied to them, none of the friars seem to know why…
Among the children of the archipelago is circulating a rumour; if you look too longat the Mists or the Storms, a horrible monster sneaks up behind you and takes you away. No-one's ever seen this monster, for it is made of shadows and slime and just sinks into the ground. If you don't keep an eye out, one day your parents will find your bed empty, and a small puddle of slime on the ground to mark where the monster pulled you down into the ground with it.
There may be a grain of truth to this superstition; a number of children have gone missing recently about the archipelago, and no-one knows where they could have gone all by themselves.
From the notes of the head geomancer of Clan Watson;
Labourers from both Clan Sedlak and the Spequorii were involved in the action, with Enki Sedlak and Servius Tullius seen to be overseeing. The work progressed smoothly and without incident, with stones replaced and beams repaired. Soon the temple repairs were complete, and a picket fence was erected around the edge of the lawn, under the supervision of the Elder Cecil.
A number of very battered Knights of Unity now stand guard at the edge of the lawn, taking their task very seriously.
People looking at the fish pond will notice that there appears to be weird scrawly writing around the edge of it, that has been added since the last temple meeting.
The bottling plant has been constructed by Pennington Deepcut and Timothy Bygone, and is now producing beer held in glass bottles. Except for a daring heist which seems to have been conducted by squirrels, everything seems to be operating smoothly, with Al and the Brewers very happy.
A message is sent to each guildhall, with a request that it should be announced
In the name of the Sovereign Justinian, all those of strong back and stronger moral fibre step forth! The fortress of the Legion of Unity is complete, and there are beds to be filled. The lord seeks men and women to join his ranks, and train as a Knight of Unity.
The Knights feast daily in celebration of their work to bring harmony and safety to the Archipelago. Join us if you also seek to defend your loved ones. Join us if you fear the threat of the Zwerginn.
Any who wish to join us may do so immediatly; all that is required is an oath of allegiance and the taking of Communion. You will be assigned a tutor from amongst the senior knights, and be given horse, weapons and armour. You will be given a warm bed, regular meals, and a just purpose to fulfill.
But be sure to only come with the blessing of your family. We do not wish to harm our hopes of diplomatic union
“Finding that you are being left out of the loop?”
“Not up to date with the latest news and rumours from the Archipelago?”
“Having difficulty sending letters to other clans?”
“Need beer for your clan?”
“Then build a Guildhall on your fragment, and send some of your clan to join the Guild.”
By Dusky Sue, singer, storyteller and all-round good-time girl, lately of the Harem of the ClanMaster, Clan Yangzi.
It would appear that the Chief Librarian has agreed to allow other, less enlightened individuals, to borrow books from the Great Library of his clan. Now there is no excuse for ignorance! Whatever the subject, however specialised the topic, this reviewer is sure there is a book somewhere in the collection which can aid you. Indeed, various individuals have already been seen perusing the volumes, including some of our most notable geomancers, Eugene Hackworth and Chylonaxis. No doubt their clans will profit greatly from this great opportunity to advance their knowledge. Other readers, however, did not seem to find the books so useful, including one young man who was spotted threatening to chop a book in half “if it didn't stop being so bloody difficult”. Tut tut, Raijin Sedlak - I wouldn't argue with those books if I were you. Who knows what dark secrets and powerful entities lie dormant within all those fountains of knowledge?
The ability to borrow books comes in the form of the new Library Cards, a piece of paper bearing the official stamp of the Librarian detailing which books have been borrowed. True, it means Clan Rjanslaf hold a lot of information about other clans on the Archipelago, but what is that compared to the wonderful opportunity they are granting us to better ourselves. Register today for your new Library Card!
Reports from clans at the top of the archipelago.
There appear to be a stack of fragments appearing off the Earthborne fragment. Where they squished the Zwerginn before, by putting one fragment on top of another, well a third one has been put on top. It bridges half the gap between the mists and the storms now.
What is Eugene planning, what use is a big pile of fragments?
If you are finding that you wish for your children to be educated then send them to the Milliner's school. Although not currently open, Overseer Sixus and the Society of Moloch are ready to set up a school on the Milliner's fragment. Teachers will include:
If you wish to attend this school, send children to attend this school or wish to volunteer to lecture then please contact Galea Beeching whenever you are able.
Gawain Roberts of Clan Roberts has been seen to improve the state and output of the farms of the Stormforge. These improvements have led to an increase of production of three times before. If anyone else wants to have improvements made to their farms then please speak to Gawain Roberts when available.
Written by Dusky Sue, of the Harem of the Clan Yangzi:
“The apprentice fair was good fun for all involved. Cyrus the Wanderer had particular success with his songs and eulogy for Donatien Francois of Clan Dal'Tan. Al of the Brewers seemed delighted to have found himself a pair of buxom lasses for his Guild. The best performance was of course a display of dancing from the women of Clan Yangzi.
The general feeling at the end of the day is that the Necropolis have done well and that far from being a load of ghastly ill-behaved gothics, they are a friendly clan with their hearts in the right place who genuinely care for their community. So what if they wear black all the time - plenty of people do that.”