The eternity turnsheet is your chance to tell us what your character plans on doing for the rest of his or her natural life, and they allow you to help shape the world to come in the next game. They are much less restrictive than a normal turnsheet, though we're liable to sulk if you go through every year of your life in the same detail as a regular turnsheet!
Give us an overview of what your character is doing immediatly after the Temple session, and for the six months thereafter. For many people this will likely involve wars and conflict, but it may just as easily be trade details and social events. If it helps you can imagine this bit as a regular turnsheet, with 8 AP's worth of actions.
Give us an overview of what your character is going to spend the rest of their time in the world doing. Are they going to unite the Archipelago beneath their rule or lead it into a golden age of peace and prosperity? Are they going to found universities or centres of learning? Spread the light of their faith to the unbelievers? Prosper in peace away from the squabbles that plagued the Archipelago? This is the section that could potentially have the most effect on the world at large and on the next game, as well as being an opportunity to give your character an end you think fitting.
Although for most of you your clan is not under your direct control, they're your clan - you know better than anyone else what makes them tick. Tell us what you think your clan is going to get up to; business as usual? Going to war? Emigrating in search of new things to see?
During the game, your character or clan may have uncovered some interesting things about the world. How willingly do you share this knowledge? How accurately? The knowledge you share, and the flavor you give it, may affect what skills are available at the start of next game.
The Union of clans represents the biggest alliance in known history, and opens a political can of worms. Do you support it? What political alliances are you aware of, and which do you champion? If a legal consensus came together, whats the most important tenet for your clan?
Various beliefs and practices are beginning to establish themselves across the archipelago, most specifically the religion of the Orphaned Gods, and the Ecclesiarchy. What beliefs, taboos and traditions do your clan support and purport?
Most importantly, do you have a strong opinion about the practice of particular magics?
What is the single biggest impact your clan has on the shape of the archipelago?
A significant portion of the archipelago is about to depart for parts unknown with the Fragment Stack. Would your clan follow with it? The temple is staying put, but who knows where the City Fragment is going? Does your clan want a place on the city fragment?
Various nonhuman races have made themselves known to the Archipelago. The Zwerginn, the Phytarin, the Hareppi, the Kar-Baldi and the Enfantir. Are they welcomed openly, shunned subtly or outright exterminated? how the clans respond to them will effect their importance in the future of the Archiplago.
We'd like these turnsheets in by Friday the 20th of June (Friday of 9th week). Please don't hsitate to ask us questions about the eternity turnsheets, and what sort of things we want in them.