A handy list of your fellow players.
Al (Mark J)
Amenophis of the Corvidae (Ian C)
Archimandrite Ba'al of the Orphaned Gods (Joff L)
Council Member Ariston Paramone (Ted S)
Artemis Velen of the Stormforge Clan (Dan B)
Augustin Volyova of the Tirrani (James G)
Auran of the Order of Amethyst (John R)
Basian Meade of the Meade Trading Convocation (Ivan F)
Brother Simon (Thibault J)
Chrysocolla of the Favager Clan (Tamsin M)
Chylonaxis of the Morticians (Stuart J)
Coskun of the People of the Flesh (Mark B)
Cyrus the Wanderer (Joe W)
Derrick Greymist of the O'Shea's Trading House (Jonathan H)
Elisabeth Queensley (Racheet D)
Enki Sedlak of Clan Sedlak (Peter M)
Eugene Sherlock Hackworth (Gareth J-J)
Evie Cross (Christi)
Galea Beeching of the Cartel of Milliners (Helen W)
Gawain Roberts (Rob W)
Guerra of the Cartel of Milliners (Matt Heath)
The Sovereign Justinian (Chris L) - Deceased
Katalin Gogol (Laura C)
Laveer of Clan Varuja (Chris V)
Lukas Thule (Chris L)
Overseer Sixus (James W)
Pennington Deepcut of the Conoscenza (Ellie W)
Prepartook Whillikers of the Whilliker Foundation (Adam D)
Raijin Sedlak of Clan Sedlak (Vicky H)
Rurik Rjanslaf (Fed K)
Servius Tullius of the Spequorii (Javi)
Timothy Bygone of the Bygone Family (Chaos)
Vesper of the Cartel of Milliners (Frances H)
Vlad mal Dvora te Corvix kai Morlock (Tom K.)