======Turn 5 News====== ===== Pirates No More ===== An announcement is made in every guildhall, lauding the efforts of Rurik Rjanslaf. The man masterminded the defeat and capture of an entire fleet of raiders, who had time to do little more than land before he, aided by the Crown of Unity and the Tirrani, were upon them. It is rumored that one of these 'skypirates' will be dragged in chains to the gathering. ===== An Announcement ===== "To all able bodied craftsmen and farmers. If you are unhappy with your current conditions then join the Spequorii. We have two settlements now, and are seeking additional people to join our clan. You will be given a place to settle, you will be given citizenship of the Spequorii, and included in one of the seven tribes. If you do so, you will have the benefits of belonging to a well established clan, with a long tradition and the opportunity to sell your products in the forum each week." ===== Explosion of Clan Sedlak ===== A huge explosion could be seen from across the Archipelago, bigger than anything encountered before! The origin was the Sedlak fragment. Many rumors have been coming in from the clan of the God twins actions, and the many and varied beasts that have beset them this turn. ===== Zwerginn Defence ===== The heroic Zwerginn in an effort to cement their alliance with the people of the Archipelago, have been working with the Meade Trading Convocation to battle against the Hareppi. The battle was carried by the brave Zwerginn but not without losses on their behalf, and only with the intervention of hallucenagenic hamsters was the battle carried at all. It seems hard to believe now though that the Zwerginn could pose a threat to the Archipelago, after shedding their blood to defend it. ===== The Hunter Beneath ===== Thanks to the efforts of Raijin Sedlak, Cyrus the Wanderer, Artemis Velen and Chyrsocolla, the fragment belonging to the People of the Flesh was not ripped in half by this monstrosity. The thing is currently being called a Kraken and Cyrus tells that it dwells within the mists, but was seeking to attack the People of the Flesh. Why it would do such a thing is unclear, but then it is always difficult to comment on the motivations of animals. The party are said to have used new and improved storm ore from Enki Sedlak as well as some sort of flying machine made by Pennington Deepcut. ===== Funeral Rites and Funerals Left ===== "A bird it wus, shiny black and all, swooped right down and took 'is eye." "I 'eard 'tis Justinian himself reborn as a bird." "Someone took some of the smoke, could sworn I saw a bottle set up to catch the stuff." "... saw the man's face in the smoke. He was a God I tells you, a true avatar of Dolos." "... And thus, we commend his body to the fire. Ashes to ashes, Dust to Dust." "That dirge had me in tears. I never realised what an amazing being we had with us." ===== The embiggening hole ===== The Society of Moloch, recently home to a rather large tree of suspicious motives, now finds itself in posession of a rather large hole in the middle of their settlement that seems to lead straight through the fragment to the mists below. It's origins are hotly debated in the guildhalls and taverns of the Archipelago: "'twas a vole. I dun seen it. Big as a bull and twice as mean." "Voles that big don't exist you dunce, it was a couple of wimenfolk, one of them 'ad this fancy 'at thing on 'er 'ead" "Nah, clearly, it had to have been improper handling of storm ore. Only explosives could create a hole that large." "What? Storm Ore? Clearly it was the Zwergwinn and their rockmancy." "Zwergwinn? More likely filthy snakebirds, flitting about, throwing lightning, who knows who's getting hit next." ===== Assassins! ===== "Y'hear them assassins are at it again? This time they're going after those god fellas of Clan Sedlak?" "The guys claiming to be the bodiment of the storm and the mist or something?" "Thats them. Only they didn't manage it this time. Raijin beat the attacker off before he could do more than scratch them." "Well, thats good I suppose. Makes you worry though about who'll be next." "Nah. Theres a pattern see? You're safe as long as you don't go claiming to be important. You know what they say. If you don't poke your head up, they can't chop it off!" ===== Attacks on the Brotherhood of Light and Dark ===== The brotherhood of Light and Dark were viciously attacked by a group of Hareppi, they tried to carry off some of the orders food, but the Brotherhood defended their lands. Although no one died a number of them were injured in the fighting. What is the archipelago going to do about these winged fiends who seem intent on stealing from the people of the Archipelago? ===== Flying ships. ===== While people are milling about in front of the temple waiting for the doors to open, they see something flying towards the temple, as it gets closer, people can make out some sort of flying machine. As it gets closer people see that it is out of control. People scatter as it comes and crash lands on the temple lawn. Out of it crawl Pennington Deepcut, Laveer and Cyrus. Cyrus seems to be tied up but apart from this everyone is unharmed. Shortly after this Rurik, Augustin, Lukas, Al and Basian appear, fresh from battle. ===== Marriages! ===== Wedding bells are ringing, shortly into the season Guerra married Georgette Jones in a simple ceremony on the milliners fragment. It is reported Georgette looked radiant in her wedding dress made of delicate silk, one of the last remaining possessions of the clearsky clan. Also there have been reports Rajin Sedlak has been looking for a bride, this dashing gentleman can surly have best pick of the women of the archipelago, who can resist the charms of this dashing gentleman. ===== Darling Raijin's Duel With The Hareppi ===== As described by Nuelle Sedlak to Dusky Sue, Chief Lady of the Harem of the Yangzi. It was an excellent morning for the duel, bright and clear, and so many people from the Archipelago turned out that I was quite overcome. Darling Raijin was coping very well and had done lots of preparation beforehand. I was sure he would defeat the monster when it arrived. Darling Enki was rather worried about his brother but I assured him that Darling Raijin would have no trouble with it. This was proved true as despite the taunting and teasing from the horrible monster which clearly had no sense of honour whatsoever //(Research in the Guildhall later showed your faithful reporter that Raijin understood about half of what the Hareppi had called him.)// Darling Raijin smote it with his sword and the nasty monster fell unconscious at his feet. At that point we were attacked by lots of the foul beings which swooped down on us and tried to attack everyone. Darling Vlad kai Molock did so much good at patching everyone up while Darling Enki and Darling Ferdinand rescued Darling Raijin who all the horrible monsters had gathered around, although they weren't able to hurt him really badly cos Darling Raijin is very good at fighting stuff. Darling Basian turned up then to save us all with lots of Darling Zwerginn who saw off the Hareppi for us. The ones who were left were taken away by the Darling Corvidae who played some lovely music we'll have to have at Raijin's wedding. Nuelle also added that she is looking to buy a knife, if anyone has one for sale. She would like something sturdy and sharp. ===== Ferry System ===== Servius Tullius and Chylonaxis have been seen all over the Archipelago this season. When questioned they say that they are working on a ferry system. Now that the work is complete it appears that this is a most noble venture. Thanks to the hard work of the Spequorii and the Morticians there is now a series of smaller ferry fragments for each fragment which allow swift passage between the inhabited fragments of the Archipelago. The ferries dock into structures built on each of the fragments, and are currently crewed by an assortment of people from each of the clans, so as not to overburden any one clan. ===== The Temple ===== Enki Sedlak and Servius Tullius have been working to coat the temple in some sort of new material. They say that they working on behalf of the Guild of Free Masons, who appear to be a group of builders. The material is said to be storm ore, which is highly explosive though people have been reassured by Dr Igor that it has been rendered inert. ===== Attack! ===== Someone's been and gone and attacked the Dolosians! There's not much left of their settlement by the looks of things and they seem to have been wiped out. Mysterious men in black, large wolves, Hareppi bringing lightning and taking everything they could get thier claws on - the rumour mill is rife. What seems clear is that the Dolosians are in trouble. =====Rumors===== * There is a bigger, better library somewhere. * If in doubt, check Lost Alice's Swamp. * Justinian has been reborn as a bird. * Justinian faked his death and is disguised as Lukas. * The Sovereign Justinian is in excellent health. * Raijin Sedlak has impregnated half the People of the Flesh. * Enki Sedlak has sworn to kill his brother's bride. * There's a giant net made of iron hanging over the Sedlak fragment. * Springfield attacked the Dolosians. * Beth Queensley is a Hareppi in disguise. * Laveer and Chrysocolla keep finding things in temples. * There's ghosts all over the Fragment of the Necropolis. * I like the Order of the Storm. * The Milliners attacked the Dolosians. * The Brotherhood of Light and Dark attacked the Dolosians. * The Yangzi attacked the Dolosians. * Kitty attacked the Dolosians. * Kitty is marrying Raijin Sedlak. {{tag>game1:news}}